Talent ID

0800 850 080

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0800 850 080

Talent ID

Find your Balance


Skill Assessments

Skill Assessments

Talent ID offers the latest technology in on-line skill assessments.

We offer a wide range of New Zealand and Australian based testing across all Microsoft applications, accounting and payroll programmes, graphic design, technical, legal, medical, mechanical and engineering programmes, as well as basic competencies such as maths, grammar and spelling.

Contact us for more information about the huge variety of assessments tools on offer.

You can also utilise our testing tools directly, independent to the recruitment process. They are easy to administer and can be used on-site at any location with an internet connection.

The assessments provide comprehensive data on candidate’s strengths and weaknesses with relevant statistical data on how they compare against others.

Assessment tools are also useful in identifying training needs for existing employees.

Talk to us today about the assessments available and how they may be used to benefit your organisation.
