Talent ID

0800 850 080

Find your Balance


0800 850 080

Talent ID

Find your Balance


Simone Davey

Simone Davey
Recruitment Specialist, Tauranga & Waikato


Simone is a Recruitment and HR specialist based in the beautiful Mount Maunganui primarily covering the Tauranga and Waikato regions. Her career spans over 20 years both in NZ and overseas within the public, private and not for profit sectors performing HR generalist, internal and agency recruitment roles. She is fully qualified with a Bachelor's degree majoring in Human Resources Management and a Diploma in Career Services.

Alongside capability, Simone believes balance, well-being and lifestyle is also key for a happy and productive employee. This is at the forefront of her mind when building a successful unity between candidates and clients. She prides herself on bringing professionalism to a personalised service centered around inclusiveness and diversity. This has led to her success including recently receiving the Higher Achiever award.
Simone is able to identify talent across the full spectrum of professional roles and particularly enjoys those difficult to fill roles. Equally, she is excited to work on HR projects that add value and make a real difference to workplace culture as well as supporting candidates in their career journey including outplacement services. For a confidential chat please reach out.
